How would you rate your relationships?

How would you rate your relationships?

The longest relationship you will have is with yourself.

Read that again.

The longest relationship you will have is with yourself.

We spend so much of our lives looking outward with this external focus. Focused on other things, other people, others’ lives. We can get distracted by self-help books, podcasts, and videos on how to communicate with our partners, how to heal our relationships with our family members, how to lead people in our workplaces, how to collaborate with potential business partners or community, and so on.

All of those relationship are contingent on what our relationship is with ourself.

So how would you rate your relationship with yourself?

On a scale of 1 to 10. Seriously.

10 being the most loving, non judgemental view and connection with yourself and 1 being sacrificing your needs for others, judging and blaming yourself. For real, I want you to take a moment and think about…

  • All the ways in which you put others’ needs before your own

  • All the times you’ve said yes to making plans with someone when you really meant no and you wanted to stay in

  • All self-limiting thoughts you have about yourself

  • All the times you’ve doubted your dreams

  • All the moments you’ve gotten mad or angry at yourself

Take a deep breath and know you’re not alone.

I’ve been there. I am there.

I fight with myself all the time. And then I put down the fight, accept and forgive myself.

This is the art of self-love.

It’s a practice.

And it’s a practice I’ve been doing for a very long time. It took me years to realize all the ways I was self-sabotaging, self-hating, doubting and limiting myself. And I’m grateful for all the practices I’ve learned and now share with others.

On my birthday this year in March, I recorded a beautiful self-forgiveness and self-love meditation in Bali.

Put down the to-do list and take 4 minutes of your day to try this out. Let me know how it goes.

5 Self-Love Practices to Awaken to Your Heart

5 Self-Love Practices to Awaken to Your Heart

